
Calendar of Genealogy Events in Wisconsin:

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August 13, 2021 - Virtual and Blue Harbor Resort in Sheboygan, WI.

The LACS is proud to present the 15th Annual LACS Cultural Conference: “What’s DNA Got to Do With It?”

  • $20 for virtual conference
  • $50 for LACS member in-person viewing
  • $60 for Non-member in-person viewing

Friday, August 13, 2021: 8:30 am- 3:30 pm.
This genealogy-based conference will explore the effects of DNA on the average family history researcher and how the country of Luxembourg fits into the DNA landscape. Join us for what will be a fascinating and practical conference.
Speakers include Mary Eberle, Lisa Oberg, Bryna O’Sullivan, and LACS curator Serena Stuettgen.
This year’s Cultural Conference will offer both a virtual AND in-person viewing option for ALL to enjoy.
This year, all presentations will be pre-recorded with presenters joining in virtually with live question and answer sessions from all across the United States.Those who attend in-person will receive conference materials, lunch, and refreshments during discussion groups. Those who attend virtually will receive digital conference materials.
In-person viewing will take place at Blue Harbor Resort in Sheboygan, WI. Times listed are all in Central Time.
Pre-registration is required. Please RSVP by August 3rd by visiting our website.

For more information about the session topics, speaker bios, and itinerary, and to register for the virtual or in-person viewing of this conference, visit our website:

September 21 - Wisconsin Rapids, WI

Want to know more about the veterans in your family tree? During the next Heart O’ Wisconsin Genealogical Society presentation, Russ Horton, the reference archivist at the Wisconsin Veterans Museum in Madison, will discuss the best methods to use when researching a veteran in your family tree.

Horton will talk about resources, and the type of information you can expect to find about veterans from the Civil War through the present.

The program will be held Sept. 21, at 9:30 a.m., in the All-Purpose Room at McMillan Memorial Library, 490 E. Grand Ave., Wisconsin Rapids.

This Calendar is sponsored by Eastman's Online Genealogy Newsletter.

This page was last updated 15 Jul 2021 14:41.

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